We offer AIA and IDCEC accredited courses. They can be taken online or learners can sign up for webinars scheduled weekly.

Light-Manipulating Glass: Innovative & Sustainable Architectural Solutions
The Creation of Experiential Building Environments Using Light-Manipulating Materials
.15 IDCEC CEU HSW, 1.5 Canada Potential Learning Credits, 1.5 AIA LU | HSW

Light-Manipulating Materials: Engaging, Biophilic, & Sustainable
1.5 hour CEU, AIA & IDCEC HSW credit; 1.0 hour GBCI credit

The Sustainable Design and Responsible Supply Chain Management of Terrazzo Light Solutions
PDH Potential 1 Hour, Canada Potential 1 Learning Credit, AIA 1 LU | HSW, GBCI 1 General CE Hour

Light-Manipulating Materials: Create, Build, Inspire
1.0 hour CEU, AIA & IDCEC HSW credit