The Sustainable Design and Responsible Supply Chain Management of Terrazzo Light Solutions

PDH Potential 1 Hour, Canada Potential 1 Learning Credit, AIA 1 LU | HSW, GBCI 1 General CE Hour
This course will help readers understand the importance and relationship of corporate social responsibility (CSR) to the supply chain, how innovations in the supply chain can improve overall sustainability, and how these developments paved the way for an existing product, terrazzo, to enhance a commercial design project’s LEED status when it’s infused with new patented light technology.
Several case studies examining the use of fiber optics in terrazzo slabs will be referenced to demonstrate the various ways in which CSR, a transparent supply chain, and an innovative product can work together to achieve more sustainable design.
Learning Objectives
- Analyze the importance of corporate social responsibility and the effect a manufacturer’s supply chain can have on society and the environment.
- Explore how innovation in both the supply chain and material production have an impact on a product’s life cycle.
- Examine the responsible supply chain process of an innovative light manipulating material and how it can help projects achieve LEED credits and other sustainable design goals.
- Review several case studies where this light manipulating material was used in LEED-certified projects.
Pre-Requisite: None.